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Saturday, 28 June 2014

A Bit Of This, A Bit Of That: HMV - Going, Going Gone!

Hello Everyone.

This is just a short update, as I'm currently working on something genuinely exciting and interesting, that - if it comes to fruition - will be a major coup not only for my blog, but for extreme cinema fans in the UK. More on that, later in this post.

As reported, back at the start of 2013 (see my blog post  here  ), HMV seems to becoming ever more and more silent. I've learnt today, that another store is closing down, and it's one that is close to my heart.

The Gentleman's Walk branch, in Norwich, is closing its doors after almost 21 years, on 10th July 2014. Signs are up in-store, advertising the closure, and - as expected - a big sale is on, with large discounts (up to 70% off on some items)!

According to the local paper, at this article  here  a "spokeswoman" for the company has said that staff are being redeployed to other branches, or rather, that is the intention. To me, that doesn't exactly sound that reliable. Intending to do something, and actually assuring the remaining 20-or-so staff who still operate this branch, that they can have jobs at other branches, are not the same thing. And considering HMV has already closed over 100 stores, with a culling of almost 1000 staff, I can't see how staff are going to be able to be redeployed, when so few branches remain.

There is another, much-smaller branch here in Norwich, that is - for the moment - remaining open, but it stocks very few CD's, only a few console games, and has a reasonable selection of DVD's and Blu-Ray's, that covers predominantly major and populist works. If you want something slightly off the beaten track, (which I usually do), then this smaller branch is unlikely to stock it.

As such, and specifically for me, losing this particular branch is horrific news! Not only am I going to miss the store itself, I am going to miss many of the staff - many of whom are truly decent, knowledgeable people who've been there and worked their socks off making the store what it is today! So, to them, I wish you the best for your futures, and I hope our paths will cross once-again at some point in time.

If anyone knows of any more HMV store closures, please get in touch by e-mail and let me know. I would hate to see HMV disappear in full from our High Streets!

Now, in slightly more upbeat news, I am currently working on something very, very special indeed. Unfortunately, I can't say much at all, but in tandem with a local cinema, and some industry bods who specialise in this particular field, I am trying to get something unique up-and-running for the folks around my neck-of-the-woods, in time for later this year.

Initially, we'll be starting off with something spectacular for the public to attend, and then, hopefully, we can progress to making this "something", both an annual event at the same venue, but also a smaller, spin-off that will run in-tandem three or four times throughout the rest of the year alongside the main event. I'm sorry I can't say anything else right now, but if we can pull this idea off, trust me, it will be truly worth it. Once the idea has been sorted out, and I am legally allowed too, I will post more about what is happening.

For now, though, that's all for the moment. Thanks for continuing to stay-tuned to my blog, and for reading all of my articles and reviews. I greatly appreciate the time you give to it. See you back here soon, for more mischief and mayhem.

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